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Keto Life Support

Mar 17, 2021

Episode #47: Kim and Carolina Cartier sit down to discuss Carolina's Keto journey from Infertility to Motherhood.

Carolina has a fascinating healing journey and this will be valuable to anyone with PCOS, the most common cause of female infertility. She's whip smart and humble and a great person to know in the Keto community. 

Kim's Links:


Facebook Page:



Carolina’s Links


Carolina works as a Clinical Nutritionist in the Seattle area specializing in metabolic and reproductive health. She graduated from Bastyr University with a Master's Degree in Nutrition in June 2020 after writing a research thesis on the topic of carbohydrate-controlled diets for the management of PCOS. 

Health History

Carolina was diagnosed with precocious puberty at three years old, then a diagnosis of PCOS at the age of 13. She was completely anovulatory for 16 years before starting a ketogenic diet in August 2014. By December 2014 Carolina had begun cycling normally. 

Not only did all blood and ovarian markers of PCOS reverse on their own, but she became pregnant with twins in 2017 and singleton in 2020 without any reproductive assistance. 

Carolina's health recovery prompted her to change careers from the finance industry to nutrition and has since devoted her career to simplifying whole food eating to a Protein & Produce formula. 

Favorite quote

"A year from now you'll wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb


Fertility Bootcamp coming soon:

@KetoBabies on Instagram and Facebook: